Please note: The Innocence Project used to track all DNA exonerations nationwide (cases in which post-conviction DNA testing was central to exoneration, both our cases and other people’s) but for a variety of reasons, after reaching 375 DNA exonerations nationwide in 2020, we pivoted to tracking all “IP successes” (meaning DNA exonerations, exonerations based on other evidence, and other victories such as post-conviction Alford pleas) and only “IP successes” (meaning no cases that we didn’t do substantial work on). Accordingly, the IP website includes this static page summarizing the first 375 DNA exonerations nationwide and a dynamic page summarizing the number of IP victories to date (which we update quarterly). For the latest numbers, explore here.
225 (60%) African American
117 (31%) Caucasian
29 (8%) Latinx
2 (1%) Asian American
1 ( <1%) Native American
1 (<1%) Self-identified “Other”